We hope everyone had a fantastic Spring Break! It is hard to believe we only have 2 months left in the school year. We have loved watching the children grow this year. It has been a pleasure to take care of your children and we hope to see them this summer as well as in the fall.

In March, our letter of the week was Oo and we decorated octopuses with Fruit Loops. We made prince and princess crowns for the letter Pp. The children used their fine motor skills painting with Q-tips for the letter Qq. We painted with the color red on the easel for letter Rr and finally we used star stamps to highlight the letter Ss.

In April, we will continue with our letters and will have conversations about what we see outside now that Spring has Sprung. We will read books about Spring and Easter as well as create fun spring art projects.
In Music and Movement, we sang and danced to the songs, “The Ants Go Marching,” “Apples and Bananas,” “5 Little Ducks” and “The Eensey Weensey Spider.”

In circle time, we continue to work on our colors, basic shapes, counting skills and the alphabet. Ms. Twyla comes in to read to us once a month and has noticed the children are sitting for longer periods of time while she reads a story. We are so proud of them. They are interacting with their friends at play time and are learning to share as well.

We want to congratulate the Winston family on the birth of their baby girl, Ashley EElizabeth!

Happy 2 year old March Birthdays to Winter Maxwell, Edison Kosmici, and Stella Malousek! Happy 2 year old April Birthday to Ford Littrel!!

Please let us know if you have comments or concerns. We want your child to have a positive early learning experience!

Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Emily and Ms. Jessica